cast aluminum 263 heads are ready...


Active Member
Ok, maybe not, but I need to get peoples attention, so why not the political way..haha. sorry folks, its been kind of dead around here and I figured a quick neck breaker will snap everyone out of it. ;)
Say you wanted to cast an aftermarket aluminum head for the 263? Nicson put out a 12 port for the chevy 6, say you wanted to go 16 port on the Buick?? ( just an example)Im just trying to get every informative head to chime in.
I've been messing around with pattern making, almost done building the furnace. Making patterns is nothing new too me. Turns out ive been doing it since I was a kid, but not for casting of course. Just gathering information in case I need something new to sculpt and a head is something im constantly thinking of. All I have as of now is to use sterl valve seat insetts, and done before the pour of course so the aluminum bonds too the inserts.
caught me looking

Stick around. If I can get enough information I'll be even more tempted to push out the necessary patterns and core boxes. Im still on hold due too an im complete furnace. Restoring steering wheels to get it moving. Don't feel like finishing up the intake until I have somewhere to snelt thee aluminum. But that head tho. It be so bad *** to get more HP with an improved head. Even the same oem design eith improvements were needed.