Anyone will understand.



YOO-HOO!!! Maybe I'm abusing this so serious forum, but can't stand with this:
I found it! It appeared at last!!
I suppose someone has got this experience: Driving my erotic 'Nette, thru the last four years, I always got mad about some clinking noise coming under the car, when jumping over any, let's say, dry bump. If simply road ondulations, nathing; but when stepping something like a pothole, that (THAT!) clank-clak-a-clank came, ominous, metallic, exactly like some jingle bell stuck there by some commie trying to destroy my respectable image between the uns surrounding me in the big Barcelona avenues :confused: . Four long years. And whaddagrins, they spreaded. But all of the worst came always from my ol' lady, giving me glances like a poisonous viper trying to kill me with the eyes :mad: . And my two daughters trying desperately to be polite an' never realizing it.
And this morning...

When beginning to give grease with a brush along the parking brake cables, under the car, after the 1st. passe over the central "V" from the claw, it sounded high, metallic, brightly: "CLANGG!!". Inmediately, pulsing the cable like a guitar solo from Led Zeppelin, I played the Buick version of The Aranjuez Concert.

The foul up? Stupid like always: The big round rubber screen (or silentblock), with a hole in the center, that guides the "V" clamp of the parking brake cable thru a metallic orbital eje under the frame. Withou that, the clamp vibrates slightly. But when under an impact, the vibes increase and permit the "V" piece hammering over the trans canyon, this is, a big tubular bell. :D .
Yes, I know this ain't any two-barrel conversion, but, bross, This now silent Buick is slightly more melody than the Nr. 9 Simphony from Schubert.
Senor Don, you paint a beautifully vivid picture, and I am in tune with your sense of victory!! Huzza !!!!